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After Y2Kemail Nitrozac! Once the Shockwave loads in, click and drag the clothing to try out some new looks for the Geek.

For those without Shockwave, check out the cut-out paper doll version!
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Don't forget, the comic continues in the Quickpoll ...so for more laughs, view the QuickPoll!
The QuickPoll
Which look should Dawn give the Geek?
  • Return him to his previous state.
  • Leave him looking like an Ewok.
  • Bald is sexy.
  • The longer hair and goatee works for me.
  • As long as he wears black, that's cool.
  • Let Dawn decide, for beauty is skin deep.

View the Results

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After Y2K merchandise

Tubes Rock t-shirts!
We're now taking pre-orders! Available in two styles... original white (just like Tubes wears) or in glow-in-the-dark on a black t-shirt!

Tubes rock and glow!

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Advertise on After Y2K! It's fun, it's inexpensive, it's extremely cool, and it's good for you! I have some great starter prices for small businesses. Email me for details

If you want a quick way to After Y2K, you can arrive via nitrozac.com, which bounces you directly here.

You asked for it, you demanded it, you knew it was coming... the Tubes Rock t-shirt! We're taking orders now, and shirts will be shipping in a couple of weeks.
EveAnna Rocks ...a Techno-Talking Tube Babe!

tubes rule too!Tubes Rock and Tubes Rule! Real life Techno-Talking Tube Babe EveAnna Manley sent me this tube-cool mug and a hot Soccer T-shirt!. Her company, Manley Labs makes some absolutely gorgeous tube amplifiers. Be sure to check out the The Manley Stingray!

Factoids and Links:
Jon "maddog" Hall is Executive Director of Linux International and an extremely popular Linux evangelist. He has been instrumental in popularizing Linux since its inception, and according to several sources, likes drinking beer. :-)

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After Y2K™ is a frightfully funny look at what might happen if the Millennium Bug bites hard! Created by Nitrozac, it follows the hapless exploits of a perhaps-slightly-over-paranoid geek as he and his friends seek to come to terms with the legacy of careless coding. The setting: the days and months after January 1st, 2000... all computers, high technology, and most electricity is gone... civilization as Geeks know it has collapsed!

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