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Current QuickPoll results for 1497 entries:

Why are the TTB's holding those abacuses?
They won them in the Capt. Abacus tournament, ... but which is first prize, the big abacus or the small abacus? 517 34%
They're giving them away as door prizes, ... darn it, don't you wish you bought a ticket? 393 26%
They're in charge of the Lost and Found booth, ... imagine how panicked the poor geek is who misplaced that big one! 197 13%
Those aren't abacuses, they're actually accordions, ... you see, next year all-girl accordion bands will be all the rage! 388 25%

(May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and the good old days. "First Four" photo courtesy U.S. Army.)

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